Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another try on our proposal form

this is our try again on the proposal form. sadly, until today, our proposal still hasn't been accepted yet, this also mean that we have not started on doing the experiment at all. we as a team hope that this would be our final try on the proposal form so we can start on the experiments straight away. the picture of the proposal form is located below.
click picture to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. It is good to see your update.

    It seems that you did not fix the issue with the dependent variable that I pointed out in my last comment.

    This proposal makes more sense. Why are you investigating the Colour of the paper? I'm also not sure what a cocktail can is. Do note that the lab does not have 9 of those.

    I would like to point out that this design of your experiment will not score. I have already highlighted this in my blog on the LSrP main page.

    I look forward to your next update. Do hurry though -you have less than 2 weeks left.
