Thursday, May 26, 2011

Proposal Form Done!! (not really well done)

We have done our first proposal..but it got rejected. So we did a second try on the form. i'll attach the proposal form below for those who wants to CHECK IT OUT !!! P.S. To Mr. Lawrence, sorry we didn't submit the second proposal form to you on Thursday evening. We totally forgot about it as we were concentrated on studying for the module tests we had. But we know it's not an excuse so we hope you get a chance to see our proposal form.

click the picture to enlarge


  1. Thanks for your second attempt. I have some concerns:
    1. Why are you researching on the effect of salt water, orange juice, etc? Have you read about it somewhere?

    2. What are the independent, dependent and control variables?

    Since the form is incomplete, I'm afraid I cannot approve it. Do try again soon!

  2. We will redo the form and submit with new variables.
    - Farhan
